Tag: SSH

  • How to Configure SSH

    Coming into this article I’m expecting you to have a a machine with SSH access authenticated using passwords. Disable Root Login Via SSH To disable root login you’ll need to open the SSH config file and make a small change. Shelled into the machine open the SSH config file: Scroll down until you find a…

  • Using PuTTY for Key-Based SSH Login

    If you are on Windows and need to “shell” into a Linux machine then PuTTY is the tool of choice. For password based logins it’s as simple as entering the IP address or name of the machine you want to connect to but for key based logins things get a little more complicated. This guide…

  • Applying Updates on ESXi 5

    I was recently faced with the task of having to apply updates to an server running ESXi 5. Now, you would think that this would be a pretty simple job but it actually turned out to be more difficult that I would have though. The main problem was that I couldn’t find any concise instructions.…

  • ReadyNAS Ultra 4 – Rsync over SSH

    You might wonder why an article about the ReadyNAS Ultra 4 is filed under the Linux category but there is a very good reason for this. Under the hood the ReadyNAS Ultra range (and the Pro range) are basically just little Debian based machines running Intel Atom x86 processors. This, from my point of view,…