Tag: MySQL
MySQL JDBC Connection Pool in GlassFish
Creating a connection pool should be a simple and straight forward task in an application server but sometimes it just becomes unnecessarily difficult. That is completely true for creating MySQL connections pools in all versions of GlassFish from 3 onwards.
MySQL Triggers and UUID
One of the applications I maintain currently only runs against Microsoft SQL Server. For the most part this hasn’t proven to be that much of a problem as everyone who uses the application also runs MS SQL. The problem comes when I want to deploy and test it on one of the company servers because…
Simple CRUD Example – Part 1
If you have ever developed a web application you’ll know that most of the code you write is not clever business logic that’s doing complicated calculations but actually fairly simple CRUD (Create, Reuse/Retrieve, Update, Delete) code. Since this is the type of code that gets written all the time it makes sense to know it…
JEE 6 and Dates
I’ve been having some problems with dates recently in the application I’m currently working on. I need to be able to specify a date that indicates when a particular piece of information becomes valid. Sounds simple enough, yes? I thought so until I actually came to try and implement it. The problem I faced stemmed…