Tag: EL
UIInstructions cannot be cast
I f, like me, you are getting an error message along the lines of “UIInstructions cannot be cast to org.primefaces.model.menu.MenuElement” you are in luck because here’s the answer.
Providing EL Access for Beans
There are a lot of good ideas in JEE but there are also some sharp corners that the unwary developer could hurt themselves on. Over the next few articles I’m going to point out a few of these less than brilliant pieces of design so that hopefully you’ll be able to avoid them. This article…
Setting a value to null with EL
Beginning with Expression Language (EL) 2.2 it is possible to call method with arguments. I feel that most of the time it is generally a good idea to try not to use this feature because it breaks the KISS principal but when you need it it can be a life saver.