Category: Latex

  • Beginners Notes for Latex

    This is just a random collection of notes about Latex covering hurdles I hit early on. Including SVG images Long story short, don’t bother, it’s not worth the hassle. In theory you can \usepackage{svg} but adding just that gave me a ton of errors mentioning xcolor names. Adding the line \PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor} to the preamble fixed…

  • Using ClassicThesis

    I’m formatting a thesis at the moment and I’ve decided to use Classic Thesis as a starting point. From what I’ve read this is a choice that will divide the room. Some people seem to love the look and others hate it. I quite like the look of it, I certainly couldn’t do better myself,…

  • Setting up TexStudio

    A short while ago I decided it was time to learn a little Latex as I want to produce some good looking documents. After many dead-ends I settled on using TexStudio to work with Latex. There’s no reason you can’t do just use a simple text editor but I prefer syntax highlighting and my spelling…

  • Beginning Tex / Latex / Lyx

    Despite spending more years at universities than I probably should have I’ve never had the need to use Latex. It came up once when I was collaborating on a paper while studying computer science but my partner was doing most of the actual writing so I even managed to miss it then. In all the…