Author: doozer
Kubuntu 11.04 Email Package Updates
I’ve just built myself a new ITX based system to use as an integration server (amongst other things) for work. I hit a few bumps along the way so as usual I’ll let you know what they were.
Swing Look and Feel Choices
Java on the desktop has, for the most part, been a bit of a joke. For years it has suffered from clunky badly supported development and a small range of absolutely awful look and feel options. That seems to be changing slowly but I do wonder if it’s not too little too late. Either way…
ReadyNAS Ultra 4 – Rsync over SSH
You might wonder why an article about the ReadyNAS Ultra 4 is filed under the Linux category but there is a very good reason for this. Under the hood the ReadyNAS Ultra range (and the Pro range) are basically just little Debian based machines running Intel Atom x86 processors. This, from my point of view,…
JEE 6 and Dates
I’ve been having some problems with dates recently in the application I’m currently working on. I need to be able to specify a date that indicates when a particular piece of information becomes valid. Sounds simple enough, yes? I thought so until I actually came to try and implement it. The problem I faced stemmed…
Checkstyle Rule Suppression
I recently started using Sonar to automatically check the quality of the code I write – turns out it’s mostly ok with a few systematically bad points that I will work on improving. One of the problems I faced though was what to do about a barrage of false positives from a small number of…
JPA 2 Eager Fetching on a Collection
Quick little JPA 2 issue that I faced today that I’m sure many other people have run into especially when starting out. The problem was and error message such as the one shown below when attempting to display the contents of a Set of other entities in a JSF page
JSF 2.0 Resouce Handling
One of the new features I really like in JSF 2.0 is the resource handling system that has been added. When I first heard about it I wondered why they had bothered but once I’d been using it for a while I realized what a good idea it is.