The best way (that I’ve found) to run a SpringBoot application as a Windows service is to use the WinSW wrapper which lets you run any executable as a service. It really is falling off a log simple to set up you just need to download the wrapper, rename the executable and create a short XML configuration file.
A sample configuration file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <service> <id>SpringServiceDemo</id> <name>Spring Service Demo</name> <description>This is a demo Spring install running as a service</description> <executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_141\bin\java.exe</executable> <arguments>-jar "%BASE%\SpringDemo.war"</arguments> <logpath>%BASE%\logs</logpath> <log mode="roll-by-size"> <sizeThreshold>10240</sizeThreshold> <keepFiles>8</keepFiles> </log> </service>
I’m packaging my app as a war file for technical reasons, usually you’d be using a jar file but either works. The log configuration is optional but I find it helps keep things neat.
Installation / Uninstallation
At an administrator command prompt just switch to the install directory and issue the command:
SpringDemo.exe install
Obviously switch install to uninstall for removal.