Year: 2015
Jenkins SonarQube Analysis SVN Blame Command
I’ve been setting up a Jenkins CI server for the last few days and I’m getting to the last few steps where I work out all the wrinkles and make everything play nicely together. The issue I’m fighting with at the moment I’m going to call SonarQube analysis SVN blame failure for the want of a…
SonarQube with Jenkins Configuration
Configuring SonarQube with Jenkins while running Maven builds sounds like it should be a breeze but, I at least, found myself scratching my head wondering how to make it work. I’d got SonarQube installed and running and I had Artifactory installed and ready to go. Jenkins was running builds fine but getting SonarQube with Jenkins working…
SonarQube on Ubuntu 14.04
SonarQube (previously just Sonar) is an open source code quality tool. In this short series of articles I’ll be installing and configuring SonarQube on Ubuntu 14.04. Installing SonarQube on Ubuntu is just part of a wider continuous integration (CI) server build that I’ve been performing. Previous articles include installing Artifactory and Java 8.
PageSpeed Stupidity
I like to try and make sure my sites are running as well as they possibly can and one of the tool I use to check this is PageSpeed from Google. Unfortunately today it appears to have become a bit confused while analysing this site not so much PageSpeed Insights as PageSpeed Stupidity…
Migrating from Nexus to Artifactory
I thought migrating from Nexus to Artifactory would be a seriously painful process but it actually turned out to be quite simple. My biggest concern was maintaining my release history as it would be impractical to try and move hundreds artefacts by hand. The article below describes the process I used.
Artifactory on Ubuntu 14.04
As part of a new continuous integration (CI) server build I need to install a Maven repository manager or software repository. After much debate I’ve decided to go with Artifactory on Ubuntu but the choice was not easy.
Java 8 on Ubuntu 14.04
Getting Java 8 on Ubuntu 14.04 is a topic that is very hotly debated (1, 2, 3, etc, etc) but it looks like this important piece of software won’t officially make it into Ubuntu 14.04 in any time frame that is useful – I’m writing this May 2015, OpenJDK 8 was released March 2014 and…
Installing WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Part 3
In the previous article in this installing WordPress on Ubuntu series I installed WordPress and performed the initial configuration. In this part I’ll continue the configuration to the point where we have a running site.
Installing WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Part 2
In the first part of this installing WordPress on Ubuntu series I discussed the prerequisites needed and how to create the WordPress database that will be used. In this part I’ll install WordPress and perform the initial set up.
Installing WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Part 1
WordPress is currently the most popular CMS (Content Management System) on the internet by a long way, in fact it accounts for nearly 50% of all websites if the statistics are to be believed. The reason for this is simplicity combined with power. It’s easy to quickly set up a website or blog and if…
Moving from Joomla to WordPress
I’ve recently made the switch from Joomla to WordPress for most of the sites I run (and I suspect the others will follow) and I thought I’d document why I made the move so that I don’t switch back and so others might have some food for thought.
Posts Give 404 and Page 2 Not Found in WordPress
In and earlier article I discussed a problem I was having with WordPress where links for all posts and pages would result in 404 errors. My solution there worked but not why I thought it had worked and, unbeknownst to me at the time, it didn’t actually fix all the problems. In this article I…